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slyder56548 karma

Just wanted to say that if anything those things make you more human, and not in the gross ew we're 10% bacteria way, but in the fluffy humans are vessels way. Not trying to contradict your feelings at all, just some perspective from the care giver side.

slyder5659 karma

Was that seriously a whole year ago?

edit: EFF I would like an answer to this please.

slyder5655 karma

What is your position on gay players in NFL and other major league sports?

slyder5653 karma

The corporate ownership of mental health problems really, really creeps me out. But I really do want people to talk, so I participate. I'm hoping eventually Bell will just start promoting #LetsTalk and we can get focussed on actually supporting each other.

slyder5652 karma

I was also going to comment that I read the book in adulthood. It's great to see it had such a formative impact on so many, but is value isn't lost if you're older either.