Highest Rated Comments

slowinternet397 karma

It seems like being an adult performer can be stressful on your body--for example, the long days, or I know sometimes I've heard you can't eat before a scene. Are there some routines you keep to compensate for this, or do you just push through?

slowinternet248 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this AMA! When you do a full feature film like this, how much of the sex is scripted vs. improv? Like do you allow the sex scenes to play out naturally or is there is script of what positions to be in, etc? And if you have dirty talk during sex, would that be all scripted or do you improvise the lines based on your character?

slowinternet49 karma

Hi Inka, thanks for answering. As a director, is there any tension for you when this happens, like for example, you imagine a scene playing out one way, and then it doesn't quite happen that way? How do you strike the balance between not disrupting the chemistry but still getting the kind of shot you want? (I imagine for example, there are no Fincher/Kubrick style directors in porn? Ones that want every scene to go exactly how they picture it in their mind).

slowinternet25 karma

Wow is that difficult? Haha. How do you deal with your feelings afterward? Do you feel like this would happen a lot in the porn industry?

slowinternet4 karma

Wow you got started in adult on Reddit and now you are back on Reddit doing an AMA as a star? That's a great story!