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slim_scsi199 karma

My thoughts exactly. The whole thing was a Twitter and social media Troll Gone Wild. We'd all be better off if it never happened, and I hope the responsible journalists in the MSM stop desperately chasing every viral social media sensation as a result of this stupidity.

slim_scsi65 karma

As a former small business owner, I find it to be an extremely sad state of affairs, the "bigger is better" mentality. The Rupert Murdochs surely feel differently.

slim_scsi54 karma

Isn't it a sad state of affairs that 500 companies comprise 2/3 of the entire U.S. GDP? Is this due to trickle down economics enabling the record income inequality seen today that's on par with the Gilded Age and the "there's always a bigger shark" swallowing companies whole philosophy of this era's corporate raider brand of Capitalism? At this pace, the Fortune 500 will represent 100% of the GDP in about a decade or two.

slim_scsi20 karma

To make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else!

slim_scsi16 karma

Yeah, low profits totally explain why the Walton family's net worth is (checks notes) 247 billion. Won't someone think of the Walton family and all the good Wal Mart has done for America and its small hometown businesses?!

China's world leading economy sure as shit thanks them for the last three decades!!!

<fetches barf bag>
