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sleliab1725 karma

In the movie a student asked to Morgan Freeman "Is it proved scientifically?" Freeman answered "No, it's an old theory and we're playing with it." So i never hid the truth. Now I think some people believed in the film, and were disappointed to learn after that the theory was inexact. But hey guys Superman doesn't fly, Spiderman was never bitten by a spider, and in general every bullet shot in a movie is fake. Now are we using our brain to our maximum capacity? No. We still have progress to do. The real theory is that we use 15% of our neurons at the same time, and we never use 100%. That was too complicated to explain, i just made it more simple to understand for the movie.

sleliab1084 karma

So the death of Leon is 72 frames per second, im holding the camera and i let myself fall on the floor. I broke my finger and the camera. When you have success, people think straight away that you are all about business and money. My main goal since i was 17 years old has always been to create, to try, to open doors, and today it's even stronger than before. I wake up at 4 am, i take a piece of paper and a pen. That's when i feel most confortable. I hate when people see me as only a business man. When i started to produce films, it was because no one else wanted to produce mine. It was for me a way to protect my creativity, without having people telling me what to do. I became a producer to protect me as a director.

sleliab695 karma

Thank you! We've known each other since we were 17. The first few films, he was always waiting to have the editing to start working, he always works on the rush. Pressure is his motivation. He fought a lot about this. More recently, i forced him to write a theme way sooner. On Lucy for example he wrote the main theme before even reading the script. I told him the story, the ambience, the meaning, the color, then he started to work without being restricted by the script or the editing. We know each other so well, sometimes it's an advantage, sometimes not, because we have less desire to surprise each other.

sleliab677 karma

There is no sequel for the Fifth Element yet, the Mr Shadow rumor is false.

sleliab669 karma

When Milla did the casting at first, she was not so good. Too nervous, too much make-up. A few weeks later i met her not on purpose in a hotel where we were both staying, she was wearing a large t-shirt and no make-up. We had a very nice talk, and i offered to do another test right now. I took a small camera and tortured her for an hour, she was brilliant.