Highest Rated Comments

slappywhite446 karma

Never in all my life did I expect to see Hell close its doors for good. There are no words to describe what I should be feeling.

My parents sent me to Élan to be "recalibrated" knowing full well what awaited me. This determent camp for children disguised as "school" was suggested by my then therapist, who was on their side, not mine. Or maybe not, maybe my parents passed buck's blame from themselves. I have neither seen nor spoken to them since.

For many like me this is too little, too late, but for countless others that could have been and now never will, they will never know how close they came to their own private nightmare. I am grateful for that and for them.

Élan made me the man I am at the cost of the child I once was. Part of me died there, a part of I can never get back. I can never truly be whole again.

slappywhite171 karma

Reddit marks the only time or place another has spoken highly of something I had to say. This is the second such occurrence. It is not something I can get used to.

Thank you. It means a lot that you would say that.

slappywhite82 karma

I was there in the early 90s. Though Élan looked and felt like it never progressed past the 80s. Like going back in time. It was No Man's Land.

Was. It was. It is no longer. Élan was.

You and I share a bond everlasting, one shared by many, one that will never have to be shared again. You cannot measure that gratitude.

slappywhite45 karma

I am not one for opening up, however I appreciate your offer and will keep it with an open mind. If I were capable, I would extend the same courtesy to you, but I react offensively, and, I've been told, almost comically when others open up to me. I have Élan to thank for that too. Without the ability to shut off emotionally, I could never do what I do now.

Nonetheless, thank you.

slappywhite23 karma

Private investigator.