Highest Rated Comments

skydreamer303645 karma

haha yes, or that I literally would blind myself if I so much as glanced at it.

skydreamer30322 karma

I think it depends on the lady. Personally when I'm shopping for dinner I hate to be interrupted by some random guy. I just want to get food and gtfo, not worry that I wasn't wearing makeup etc

skydreamer30319 karma

It kinda seems like women would be less safe or feel uncomfortable in that environment. Has there been any complaints from female members?

I feel like the worse the gender disparity the harder it will be for your community to even the odds.

skydreamer3038 karma

God that's dumb. This right here convinced me not to bother. Having to majorly change your sleep schedule that often would fuck anyone up. Even if you do sleep your body won't get as much rem

skydreamer3037 karma

To add onto this- what pollinated plants in North America before the introduction of honey bees? Why are honey bees so important if they aren't even a part of the original ecosystem?