Highest Rated Comments

skittles871831 karma

hey everyone i am thereaper84's wife and he has asked me to come on here to answer any questions that anyone may have for me here's my proof http://imgur.com/g6rzkHd

skittles87814 karma

my family accepted him cuz i told them about him before he came over the only thing that i lied about to them was his age cuz he is 3 years older than me and i was 16 and he was 19 and my dad would of flipped but now it doesnt matter cuz i wasnt having anything stopping us from being together as you can see we have been together for a total of 9 years married for 8 (sept 10)

skittles87341 karma

thank you

skittles8722 karma

my husband went to school at the davis school in brockton, mass

skittles8720 karma

omg that is crazy how someone from his past is reading this