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skelbot2 karma

Wow. Being that my two biggest interest are film and technology, it's awesome to get responses from you guys. I just thought I should add that I asked my question because as a highschool student making films, it often seems like my main purpose as director is to convince other people to commit their time to the project. That said, it's pretty inspiring to know that with a great script, you can get a group of talented people to work together to create something awesome. Thanks again to everyone and I am really looking forward to watching Ex Machina again tonight!

skelbot1 karma

That definitely should be added. I'd certainly pay good money for that.

skelbot1 karma

Well first, thanks everyone for doing this ama. I haven't been able to stop talking about Ex Machina ever since I saw it 2 weeks ago. Tonight I'm planning to see it for the second time. Anywho my question is for Alex. Since seeing the movie I've been watching a ton of interviews with you as I personally am interested in film. Each interviewer is always eager to ask why this film felt right to direct, and every time you respond with that their is no particular reason, as everyone on a film set is equally important. So my questions is basically how do you maintain focus and control if you seemingly have a less director focused film set. Again thanks so much for doing another ama.

P.S.- In one interview I watched, Oscar Issac said that the dance scene was originally twice as long. Considering that the dancing scene is one of the greatest scenes in any movie (in my humble opinion), any chance of getting an extended cut on like a DVD release?