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sk1nnyjeans23 karma

For the first part you could have rephrased to "would you consider the career path you chose to be fulfilling?" For the 2nd part you could have rephrased to "is it sometimes hard for you (emotionally) to make certain types of individuals or groups leave?"

I'd say those sound a little less loaded.

sk1nnyjeans10 karma

For Reddit, use /u/ instead of an @ symbol. For example, /u/RichardBachman

sk1nnyjeans3 karma

What aspects of other musicians' songs do you draw most inspiration or influence from for your own original work?

sk1nnyjeans2 karma

Were you a pot smoker before being diagnosed with IBS or was it something you got into purely for medical benefits.

Also, how do your peers view your situation? I imagine that the info of being a 15 year old pot smoker can be tried to be used against you in high school gossip, so I was curious.

sk1nnyjeans2 karma

That's a great quote! First time hearing it, but I definitely will keep that in mind when looking to further understand a song's or note's purpose or intended delivery.