Highest Rated Comments

shreddedking132 karma

how the fuck is this bill even legal?! its blatantly unconstitutional.

this criticism of Israel is antisemitism is becoming a joke. couple of days earlier in Germany, cartoonist who drew Netanyahu caricature was fired for being antisemitic! the same cartoonist was applauded for drawing erdogan caricature and was protected from criticism as his art is under freedom of art but drawing Netanyahu is suddenly considered antisemitic and was censored with iron hand.

see the hypocrisy and dangers of censoring of freedom of speech?

shreddedking38 karma

just like how my mom does it

one ticket to feeladelphia, pls.

shreddedking18 karma

have you anything meaningful to add to my discussion instead of just resorting to ad hominem attack.

I'm very open to see if you can counter my points with authentic sources. your ad hominem "turkish bots" is nothing but childish retaliation like "libturds" or "but her emails". smh

shreddedking15 karma

how strong is it? can it hold the seam if for example i extend my arms overhead or drape my arms on my girls shoulder?

as a tall guy with broad shoulders and narrow waist good invention. can't wait to see it in market.

shreddedking14 karma

hrw and US terrorist watch is a propaganda source?!

holy shit. i guess nothing can be discussed with a person who labels propaganda to anything that challenges his views