Highest Rated Comments

showmethestudy66 karma

I mean they've been friends for a while now. Not surprising they have each other's phone number.

showmethestudy40 karma

That's really cool. Sometimes the chain can be 10 or more donations. It's amazing. Your volunteering to donate to your wife's cousin was probably responsible for setting off that chain. So really you're responsible for many more donations than just your wife's cousin.

showmethestudy25 karma

Actually the real answer is that you get a longer vein using the left kidney, making the implant operation easier for the surgeon doing the recipient's case.

showmethestudy17 karma

Just FYI, this surgeon is right. Tape has been proven to reduce the size and density of scars.

EDIT: Here's the study: http://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Abstract/2005/11000/A_Randomized,_Controlled_Trial_to_Determine_the.11.aspx

I'm getting downvotes elsewhere, so citation provided...

showmethestudy12 karma

So is there any pre-marital sex? Are kids there "doing it" despite everyone's attempts to prevent it and just no one knows or is that really uncommon? Because here in the States, it's very common. Few people are virgins when they get married.