Highest Rated Comments

shottifery73 karma

As far as I'm concerned why does the government and the church need to be in on my relationship? I'm not bothered about the label nor the tradition.

It is entirely a waste of money with no clear benefit except conformity and slowly dwindling tax bonuses.

shottifery69 karma

This wont get answered, from a few of the answers I seem to get the idea he's being watched carefully by a member of the EA SPORTS FIFA team.

shottifery57 karma

my ex employer has a house over in Thailand and also flies out for any and all medical reasons, he insists the standard of care is better if not on par with the NHS and the cost is negligible, also treatment is almost instant no or few waiting lists.

Although only a single sample i'd imagine it paints a decent picture.

shottifery22 karma

From my limited as heck understanding it pretty much is, choreographing movements ect are all important for your body to grasp the muscle memory. That way you've not to think as much about how you're doing what you're doing but concentrating on the bigger picture.

shottifery18 karma

Western currencies indeed exchange very well for baht. A decade or two back when it was even more favourable my ex employers bought a large home with big grounds and permanent staff for something like £25k, the staff cost pennies a day iirc.