Highest Rated Comments

shorthanded258 karma


shorthanded257 karma

What's the biggest thing you wish you could change about Whitney Point?
What do you think is the best attraction for tourists in Whitney Point?
Where do you think Whitney Point has the best opportunity to improve fiscally for 2017? What will it take to make that happen?
Currently Whitney Point is receiving an "F" for education, a C- for employment, and a D for housing. Do you think $800k would go further in education than a renovated building? Or would $400k be better invested in attracting business rather than building a look-out?
Cost of living and crime both receive A's, congratulations on that - what do you think is the biggest factors are in receiving those grades?
I've never been to Whitney Point. I'm actually on the west coast of Canada. Why should I go?

shorthanded219 karma


shorthanded215 karma

Do you believe the rate of innocent men behind bars is better or worse in the USA than in other nations, both 1st world or otherwise? Do you believe there are better systems to model the USA's on? Thanks for the AMA, really interesting topic (and good work, too, of course).

shorthanded206 karma

brush teeth
orange tic tac
make a liar out of you