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sheepcat87264 karma

300 a week is approx 300 a week more than nothing, that's why people uber. It's better than being unemployed.

sheepcat87216 karma

RIGHT?! Dude's over here talking about condoms filled with poop and he's like "at least it wasn't a wig!"

Tha fuck?

sheepcat8744 karma

My first job at 16 was overnight shift at McDs. I'm sure the manager response is accurate sometimes, but I can tell you from firsthand experience it's usually because the night crew went ahead and cleaned it early so they didn't have to deal with it later, and it won't get filled back up until breakfast.

I've dumped out tons of perfectly good ice cream mix stuff just because the night manager wanted it clean early as it's something that has to be done before end of shift. In fact sometimes I cleaned it first thing coming ON shift.

sheepcat8731 karma

I just watched it. Did I miss something? It was funny and no one seemed upset.

sheepcat8726 karma

I feel similarly about my time in the military. I went to a foreign country and helped bomb goat herders and other folks that may have hated America but posed no real threat to us or our way of life.

In return I have gotten everything I needed to live a better life. I got a great paycheck while I was in service, and now that I'm out not only was my school paid for, but I get a monthly housing allowance as well.l so I didn't have to worry about bills. In fact, I got the Pell Grant which meant each semester I got BACK 2500.

A major defense contractor has picked me up for an internship leading into a full-time job this summer based on my military experience and qualifications.

I literally went from poor Southerner to upper-middle-class thanks for the military. Although morally I disagree completely with what we've been doing there and what I personally had a hand in, I would still do it all over again because my own life was improved by leaps and bounds.