Highest Rated Comments

shameshesafeminist288 karma

Yes. Yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes. Thank you for the caps! That is probably the most accurate, engaging, and informative thing I've watched on the subject. In a lot of ways I experience it different but in a lot of ways it's the same. The mentality is the same - sometimes it's overwhelming but it's not really overwhelming. I managed to go 16 years without anybody saying "there is something seriously wrong with your brain" (well, to my face at least). I couldn't imagine life any other way.

I loved the animations. They did such an excellent job of really conveying how the mind just shapes the surroundings. I don't see my color sounds in the same way as that woman, but they do really manifest out of nowhere and are not part of independent thought. My number lines and alphabet (and my calendar) really do just warp dimension. I loved that video, please tell your buddy it was fucking rad.

shameshesafeminist128 karma

I tried shrooms for the first time a couple months ago. It was a profoundly religious experience, and it certainly enhanced my synesthesia in a lot of ways (during the trip and for a short while afterwards). But there are a lot of other odd things in my brain that attributed to it being such a truly amazing trip.

Before trying them, however, I remember friends describing some of the stuff I experience (when listening to music, hearing loud noise, thinking about numbers and letters) almost verbatim. After trying them, however, I realized the intensity between the two is nowhere comparable. If I had to live my life seeing and experiencing the things the exact same way I did on shrooms, I'd be blissfully happy but also a nonfunctioning human being. ;)

shameshesafeminist115 karma

No. I'm just fucking with the guy who asked for proof for something that I can only see in my own head.

Edit: You know, proof beyond recounting experiences, which I don't think should be discredited in this situation. If I said I was Obama, justifying it with "but I know I'm Obama" would understandably be doubtful. It's hard to physically prove something that only I experience if it's not potentially dangerous, harmful, or exceptionally rare.

shameshesafeminist109 karma

I have to go to bed soon, but, ok, I'll give you all some proof. I kind of didn't want to do this but... well, awhile ago Discovery did this documentary about me. It started out just following the day-to-day life of a modern teen and me and my friends choices of recreational activities but, uh, during the process I kind of got in trouble with the law, and the documentary crew wanted to follow me after I volunteered for this controversial therapy that would save my ass a few year's jail time...anyway, it was a weird part of my past. Not the point.

The point is the documentary filmmaker was actually super interested in my synesthesia and wanted to film me listening to my favorite artist. Let me be clear I love classical music, and my absolute favorite artist is Beethoven (I kind of enjoy his music almost like, on a sexual level, lol) so one night he's like, "I know you listen to music before you go to bed, let us film you listening to some classical so we can get a real synesthete experience". So they did, and then I described to them exactly what I saw and felt when I listened to Beehtoven... aaaand they eventually put it in the documentary. If that doesn't count as enough proof, I'm fucked elsewise, since, ya know, everything I experience occurs in my head. Anyway, here's the clip from my doc:


shameshesafeminist74 karma

Some dubstep songs give me faint little tinglings but I have yet to experience one very powerfully. I will admit that I can physically feel the drop of a lot of the songs - it feels like... haha, I was going to say "this sounds weird" but I realize most of the stuff I've said on here sounds weird... it feels like those squishy toys you used to get when you were a little kid. You know, the ones with that weird gel in the middle that you could squeeze and stretch and it usually had glitter or something in it and it just felt fun to touch? (Then your asshole friend would always burst it and your mom would freak out and accuse you of eating the gel) Anyway it feels like that, a little firmer and flattened down, and it slices back and forth from around my temple through the middle of my earlobe. It's not very strong, though.