Highest Rated Comments

seriously_wy42 karma

Why not join the fight to eliminate high stakes testing rather than attempt to fix an inherently broken and educationally unsound practice?

I'm glad that the test worked out for you, but it does not for many other talented students. As an educator I'm sure you're well aware of the demonstratable biases and weaknesses of such tests. Best of luck with your company, but I'm fighting to end the system you're serving because I know we can do better.

seriously_wy2 karma

That's a great question!

Coming from the perspective of a teacher, we have dozens of assessments that we use to understand the knowledge that our students have and standardized tests are just one of them. So they do have use, but reliance on them for a metric of intelligence isn't unlike simply using BMI to gauge someone's health. It's ok, but rife with issues. It's a commonly held belief among educators that we can't truly know what's in any one students mind or what they're processing, so we must use many of these assessments.

I say all of this because what I think would be a better gauge of student achievement, knowledge, and ability level is a portfolio of hand selected work that the student has completed in their academic careers. I want a concise way for schools to review what students can achieve. I do recognize this requires more projects, more problem based learning, and more investment into education, but it all pays for itself eventually.