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serenaosullivan16 karma

Hi Stephanie, I enjoyed reading this article. It made me think of a book I picked up earlier this year, "Stiff" by Mary Roach.

In her book, she mentioned that most bodies donated for science wind up being used for cosmetology students to practice plastic surgery, such as nose jobs or fillers.

Is this also the case in Arizona? If I, an Arizona resident, donate my body to science, will it most likely be be used to help a student practice their nose jobs, or would it most likely be used for another purpose?

serenaosullivan8 karma

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for responding to my previous question. I was just reminded of a story I heard previously on AZ Republic, of how in 2018, the remains of around 127 migrants were found in Arizona.

What happens to these unidentified bodies? The article says they're given autopsies--do you know what happens after that? Where do the bodies go, if so many are found? Do you know if they are ever returned to families, or if they're given burials?

This leads me to a totally different topic. I'm ignorant on laws around dead bodies, so my question might sound dumb, but are there any companies or organizations you've heard of (either legal or illegal) that use the bodies of people who didn't consent for their bodies to be used?

For example, if a person dies and their body is used for organ harvesting or anything like that--is there a black market for these types of services, or is that just something you see in dramatic TV shows?

Thanks again for your time!

serenaosullivan2 karma

Hi there,

Here's an article from the AZ Republic that has a bit more information on what happened: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2019/01/18/hacienda-healthcare-rape-victim-lawyer-john-micheaels-rick-romley/2619931002/