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senseandsarcasm71 karma

This! My boss was calling around to find a new doctor and she couldn't even get anyone to tell her the price of an annual physical. It was ridiculous,

senseandsarcasm12 karma

YES! Where I worked for the longest time we couldn't say anything even though we knew they were fraudulent calls. When they finally approved the change to allow us to issue the fraudulent call warning if the call met certain criteria, it was fantastic.

Unfortunately, the scam internet relay calls gave ALL relay calls a bad name, and it made it much more difficult for the deaf and HOH to place regular relay calls to businesses. Very frustrating.

senseandsarcasm1 karma

Thank you for answering. I'd like to hope so, too.

senseandsarcasm1 karma

Great film!

I was curious as to whether either of you thought the relationship between Eric and Rey had any lasting effects on Eric.

Or did he just go forward as a solitary man as he was before?