Highest Rated Comments

semitones3 karma

Hey, former Chesapeake Conservation Corps fellow here. I had heard that there was a lot of sediment behind the Conowingo Dam back in the early 2010s.

Feel free to pick and choose any of these questions:

  • What are the challenges in talking about "the Health of the Bay" as one monolithic thing?
  • How has the situation changed over the past 20 years or so. Have some things gotten better? Other things worse?
  • What is the most misunderstood concept about bay pollution that you've encountered? What is the most well-understood by people?
  • What motivated you to start working on this topic? What motivates you to keep working on it?
  • What have been the most effective/least effective governmental agencies, non-governmental-organizations, businesses, non-profits, etc., for making a difference?
  • How would you describe the ecosystem of all the stakeholders around the bay?

Sorry, it's been a while and I guess I had a lot of questions building up. :)

Also, shameless plug: Students and recent grads, check out the Chesapeake Conservation Corps! Throughout the Bay Watershed: WV, VA, DC, MD, PA, even NY. One year paid internship; placement in environmental orgs, businesses, and agencies, & professional development. Your tax dollars at work in a public/private partnership, working for the bay. 🌱💚🌎

semitones2 karma

So does that mean you like emacs? That is a remarkable journey, especially starting from punch cards all the way through network security. What was it like phishing staff? I've heard it's a lot easier to fall for than most people predict.

That makes sense about the uncertainty, knowing what you have time for, and how you'll feel. I hope you have plenty more 'feeling fine' days to come.

That is a lot to transfer. I am looking forward to the videos, and from Day 0 appreciated how you and Livia were both involved, friendly, and knowledgeable.

Either way you slice that number, it's pretty cool and it's only going to grow. Thank you!

semitones2 karma

Hey, you're right about the format of this course being something completely new. The "deletes after 4 days" was the hook I needed to dive in after years of passing up free linux courses. And the interaction with other classmates via reddit is honestly brilliant. Thank you so much for making this.

Whoo, this is a heavy topic. Reading these other comments, what stands out is how open you've been about it, and that is something.

How did you get into computers and linux in general?

What has helped you the most, in processing that you have a terminal illness? And what have been the 'least helpful' parts of it, if that's even possible to ask.

I don't think I've encountered before the transfer of a project from one person to another because of a terminal illness. Especially not someone you've never met before. How do you begin doing that? How does it feel to pass on the responsibilities?

One 'fun' one: do you have a number, or an estimate for how many people you've taught so far?

Thanks, and cheers.