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sekmaht26 karma

I stopped buying anything there ever when they tried to force me to give a phone number before I could buy anything. They literally would not let me buy a thing until I spit a phone number at them, and as I left I wondered what sort of complete idiot came up with that plan. I also hate feeling responsible for someone's job because I dont want a plan or a store branded credit card or whatever. Thats why I shop online for the most part. What kind of people can't see that policies like that are what is causing their business to fail, or at least causing it to fail faster. Morons.

sekmaht5 karma

thank you for doing this, I know people who have had loved ones murdered in prisons by guards, as well as by guards looking the other way intentionally while inmates kill or maim them. Half of reddit and most of the country believes jails are meant to be "tough" and if you cant "do the time dont do the crime!" They are so ignorant of what really goes on in there. No one deserves to be in a place where your keepers can torture and murder you and you can do nothing about it. And they do. It wasnt just that prison. You give sick people unlimited power over other people and you just end up with this.

sekmaht5 karma

he meets them in the abusive institution & already drugged. Makes you wonder what those drugs really accomplish. Going on 4 hours without a reply, I doubt that one is forthcoming from him.

sekmaht5 karma

i dont know if youll ever get your brother back, but for me the most helpful thing my friend said was they keep threatening you, but its never happened. The cops never raided the house and shot the dogs, the people in the attic never killed me because you didnt leave forever, like I can see you are being tortured by them but they arent going to hurt me physically or you.

and I just ended up going with whatever they are, they are liars.

I started watching videos on how to deal with narcissists, how to deal with difficult people, and I deal with 'them' that way. Gray rock is my favorite. I hope someday you can talk with him more.

sekmaht4 karma

Sometimes what we hear and see we dont need to be told "thats not real! tsktsktsk" we need someone to listen and sympathize, or at least listen without having their phone behind their back calling 911.

Psychiatrists and psychologists seem to have this thing where they are like dont ever discuss a persons delusions youll *encourage them* and that wasnt how it was for me, I have to live with them, but they are easier to live with when I have a clear head from not being drugged and I dont feel besieged at every turn. Which you are with a diagnosis like schizophrenia, because even if you are perfectly fine if you have any contact with law enforcement or medical professionals they might just throw you in the slammer or worse-- use force to inject you with a harmful drug. You basically become less than human, and thus paranoia is warranted at that point.

I no longer speak or have contact with family members involved in imprisoning me at all. Its the only way Im safe from "help"

What my friends did, was go up to the attic and take pictures (sounds like you have too) and now I can just tell them if Im having a bad day. Like, for instance, they are torturing me in the shower and I really dont want to take one. Or I hear them walking in the attic. Or the cupboards have changed sizes (maybe the attic people moved into the space behind them).

Having support instead of someone...flatly denying that what is happening to you is real and where you feel threatened by being violently detained and poisoned (and trust me the voices arent amazing, the visuals less so, but id rather be dead than on an antipsychotic, thats how bad they are for me) but being able to trust a person to not send the police after you for speaking out loud is really helpful.

Your brother was detained for 6 months in what was possibly a bad place, possibly with staff members who had all the emotional maturity of mean girls, a place where he may have been subjected to force, violence, and maybe there was an attic. And maybe thats made everything worse -- it did for me.

The only thing that helped me was support without force, and Ive seen it help other people too.