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seever29 karma

Hi fellow kurd here (in sulymani)

Op are there anything that we see right now on the new that are false?

To rephrase that

Are there any false broadcasting of events that are or aren't happening?

seever15 karma

I'm not op but still a kurd (currently living in sulaymani)

The answer to your questions depends on the iraqian. if he's a kurd then most of the kurds, like America and look up to it for a few reasons.

1- because America helped us overthrown Saddam hussain.

2- we look at America as a very well developed country. Mentally (not judging others no matter what) and as a great place to choose the careers you want.

3- very advanced in technology.

4- a great place to live and grow up.

A baathy iraqian's opinion of America is kind of similar but they still think Saddam should've stayed as the leader.

This answer was based on all the times I heard people talk about America.