Highest Rated Comments

secret_writter29 karma

Congratulations on making your own website and setting goals on yourself.

Save yourselves the trouble and categorize a preemptive cat-page.

Anywho, I've nothing smart to ask, so... on a daily basis, how often do you guys work/meet up?

secret_writter6 karma

Hey guys, hope the effort's going strong!

As you begin to voice your characters and eventually understand who they are in the games you voice for, do you ever feel you've become attached to them?

Similarly out of the same feeling, have you ever recorded a line, listened to it, and said to the developers, "I can do better"/"(S)He should say it like this"?

secret_writter2 karma

During the campaign of audio-making and the slaying of the dev-blocks, what enchanted foods kept spirits high and scurvy gone?

Or: "What ya'll eat?"

secret_writter2 karma

...thank you?

secret_writter1 karma

Donations could work. People have given money for lesser causes, so there's hope for you people yet!

I'm considering using your site when it launches, so I'm trying to decide whether or not to bookmark it. Concern is that it will display the 'days-until-launch' bit forever, or if it will direct/change into the site itself.

While I've surfed the web for a majority of my life, I've only ever seen the cover of the actual thing, so... :P