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seanadb27 karma

I remember in junior high, the substitute teachers who gained the most respect were the ones who were not emotional/in a power struggle. The more calm/assertive they were, the more we stayed quiet (out of respect or whatever). This has nothing to do with colour of skin, just human behaviour. Kudos to you for recognising this!

seanadb13 karma

Mayhem. Lots of it!

seanadb11 karma

Dr. Rosenthal can correct me if necessary, but we're talking about a chemical disorder or imbalance. It's not a mood you choose to be in nor is it something you can turn off by watching comedy. It's always present, even if you forget it about it for a quick moment. Of course, it's difficult to relate to something you are, for the most part, completely unaware of, but it really is serious business for those affected.

seanadb11 karma

A lot of times, when people use the term "socialism" here, they are referring to a portion of culture that has socialist leanings, such as health care, public works (firemen, police, roads, etc). I don't think anyone, including Bernie Sanders, wants a socialist country. It is difficult, however, to see socialism widely granted to corporations while socialism granted to the individual is looked at with suspicion.

seanadb2 karma

Hi, Ms. Demick, thanks for doing this AMA.

Have you seen anything that would suggest North Korea would start ruling for its population rather than ruling over it? (even if it was in the next decade or three)