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sdasd9a8s7dn9727 karma

Hello Ted,

First, I think Capitol Bells is a great idea. I particularly find the idea of making civic engagement "addictive" to be a key factor of success. Technological social networking is a powerful new phenomenon for society, but for it to be more than just a medium for cat photos we need to push it, to find ways to let it express the most important aspects of society. So thank you for being a part of that effort.

Questions: Do you see this being a career? Do you see a company or team forming from this? I see you are at $150 of the $20,000 goal. What happens if you don't reach your goal? Do you go on, or will Capitol Bells stagnate? Is there a money making mechanism or business model in mind?

I ask these kinds of questions not because I am worried you'll turn into some kind of evil corporation, but because I am worried you will fail, will not make enough to support yourself, and that the idea will completely halt. And this, to me, would be a shame.

Also, you obviously understand that representation on more than iOS is important, including Android and the web. I just wonder if you need help with development, and I wonder what your plan is to keep pace with a potentially fast growing idea.

Thus, my final questions: Have you considered open sourcing the project? Can the idea/app be something of the people, by the people, for the people?

Thank you for your time. Best of luck in your endeavors. I think we need you to succeed, and I hope you do.

sdasd9a8s7dn973 karma

Thank you for your response. Sounds to me like you are open minded, and prepared to explore your options. I think that's a great stance to take on a new young project which has great potential.

Best of luck to you, sir. I will considering donating later, when I can more closely look at the details.