Highest Rated Comments

screwikea7 karma

This response, in particular this:

Occasionally, (in December) several days of bad weather will bring me to a halt.

Seems contrary to your initial statement:

We believe that solar is mature and powerful, and it’s time for others to make the switch.

In terms of production shops, this doesn't strike me as realistic. As a hobbyist, though, your setup seems like it would cover my needs.

What's your thought on a shop that needs to run 1 or more 220v table saws, bigger tools that take 3ph equipment, and generally have a much bigger power consumption overhead than you do?

screwikea3 karma

Judging from this and this, I think it's probably a safe assessment that they were leaning heavily on public funding ($343.1 of state and local incentives and tax breaks at a couple of levels). It's probably a good guess that they were gambling and sold the deal based on depressed polysilicon prices that had a correction. After everything fell out legitimate prices proved it a bad bet. It really sucks that you lost your job, and I'll bet there are a variety of people way up the chain from you that walked away from all of that with loads of cash.

The giveaway on this is that tarriffs are meant to equal out trade disparity (or used as a political tool), so you guys got hosed over an ongoing trade battle between the U.S. and China.

screwikea2 karma

I think you pretty much covered my question elsewhere -- I was a lot more curious about overall power consumption. If a shop has 3 phase equipment, their power needs are usually pretty high.

screwikea2 karma

If you're using high quality bits, you might think about getting them sharpened. I don't know what your duty cycle is for any particular bits, but sharpening is usually a lot more cost effective if you're using quality ones.