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scorpio7117 karma

Another single founder question. I came to your meet and greet in dec but had to leave promptly afterwards for something else, so didn't get to ask my question. I'm a single founder with no team and it seemed pretty obvious you only take these in exceptional circumstances. My question is, if this is the stance of most people, how would you suggest I go about raising money to put together a team? For a bit more context, I've built a fully working app for android and iOS (www.kitesapp.com) and have a (albeit slowly) growing number of users, so am very confident in myself. I would love to bring more people on board for marketing and promotion type stuff.

scorpio7112 karma

Interesting! I certainly haven't thought about it before, and it definitely seems worth a shot. I think a big problem for me is it's often non-technical people looking for cofounders for their idea. I wouldn't want to pull somebody out from their passion, nor would I like somebody who would drop their own stuff as soon as another idea comes along.

scorpio7112 karma

Thanks yodagates! I think this is the perfect time for my app, pretty much every smartphone these days can geofence and sharing knowledge has never been more prevalent!

Edit: just checked out the website! So retro lol, but really cool! It's certainly not a new idea, but I think its the right time for it :)

scorpio7112 karma

Okay cool, so I will apply then :)

scorpio7111 karma

The reason I'm not looking for a cofounder is that most of my friends and contacts are technical. And I've got that covered. I would love to have a non-technical cofounder that I could trust to take care of things like marketing and all the stuff I feel takes my time away from making cool shit. But, I don't know anyone who can do this (in my network). And I am very hesitant to go out looking for a cofounder at events and such because I wouldn't be able to judge how good they really are at non technical stuff.