Highest Rated Comments

scifiwoman34 karma

"People ain't cargo, mate."

scifiwoman25 karma

I seem to remember a car involved in a hit and run was identified by Redditors because it left a piece of the indicator light behind. It was an old car and very unusual, so the police were able to track down the specific car and driver. Sometimes Reddit comes through!

scifiwoman9 karma

It makes sense - you can't help anyone if you get wounded yourself. Like they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on in an aeroplane emergency, before you put on someone else's.

scifiwoman8 karma

I've been admitted to mental hospital in the UK five times, been reading through these comments, and yours really resonates with me. I'm convinced that two-thirds of the nursing staff are power-tripping. Only one-third genuinely care about the patients and work in a way which is conducive to recovery. For the rest, you only have to look at the posh cars in the car park to see where their motivation lies. I'm never going back again.

scifiwoman8 karma

Sorry that you're going through a worrying time. I hope that it turns out to be nothing and that you're okay. Internet hug -x-