Highest Rated Comments

scaliacheese703 karma


scaliacheese205 karma

Can you please compare your costs to De Beers'? Knowing how much it costs De Beers per carat is good information but meaningless to me without a comparison to your costs.

e: I know you say it's hard to estimate, but I imagine you have some number in mind. Or at least can you give a comparison of typical sales prices? We already know you're more expensive, but luckily, people will buy your stuff anyway because they care (or because your stuff is just cooler).

scaliacheese98 karma

If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?

scaliacheese82 karma

sadly waves small American flag

scaliacheese56 karma

Moreover, laws aren't always enacted for their enforceability, but for deterrence. The fact that it's a law at all will deter some people who would otherwise have violated it. Most laws are intended to be proscriptive, but some are primarily proscriptive. As long as the public gets whiff of some enforcement, it'll likely have its intended affect.