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sanfrancisco69er86 karma

why do you think that so many fans of opie and anthony think that opie absolutely stinks and is not funny?

sanfrancisco69er35 karma

But there must be so many more cards/pokemon right? That it would be overwhelming to get back into? Also, what are some of the best combos right now? Like I remember Sneasel/Dark Energy/Murkrow or something was banned because it was too good, is there anything like that currently?

sanfrancisco69er26 karma

haha I was in a class with shoenice and he constantly made remarks and the teacher(and the whole class) except for me and a few others hated him. he added me on facebook and I got like 200 "happy birthdays" and he liked them all.

sanfrancisco69er10 karma

Do you wish you had a soundbite for when Opie can't pronounce a word? I was thinking Adam Sandler saying "t-t-t-TODAY JUNIOR" would be good.

sanfrancisco69er7 karma

how do you charge it?