Highest Rated Comments

salocin09742 karma

You can't even be angry about that. You can be angry at the world. But its not like drunk drivers, where you can blame the other driver. Its.... Really saddening.

I'm sorry for her loss.

Story because I feel like sharing: My grandfather was coming back from the Korean War. Him and his friend were the last two in his squad. Some idiot hit his friend while waiting for a bus. His family was probably thinking about how he made it back. And some idiot driver just takes it away.

salocin09711 karma

Japan as well. All gacha games have the stats

salocin0979 karma

Can you link it? I'm a gamdev student and this AMA has been great!

salocin0976 karma

What's the reference

salocin0973 karma

Usually. The problem is there is also a noun "affect". Generally used in psychology referring to the behavior of someone. It's sorta weird