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salmonandsoup3 karma

Yep, I'm Madelyn, aka salmonandsoup, the girl who, in the sheer ballsiness only being awake at, like, 4am gives you, uploaded an MP3 of her losing her shit over a minor villain and @'d you. I'm so glad you're on board! You've made my week, sir. I appreciate you greatly. Know that some birthday art is still comin' your way, this week has just been hell cuz I've had a big ol' test to study for (I'm studying abroad in France for the month of July).

salmonandsoup2 karma

Of course! Like I said in my "happy birthday to you" tweet, my love for a wonderful character that you voiced has jumpstarted my career and my growth as a person in multiple ways. I HAD to ask you a question or two, sir, HAD to.

Have fun with the rest of this AMA!

salmonandsoup2 karma

Hey there, Mr. Smith! Happy belated birthday! Thank you for doing this!

This might be a bit of an... odd question and it deals with late-game Persona 5 spoilers, but bear with me. So uh. Hypothetically speaking, if someone were to suggest and write a story about Okumurafaking his death and getting a persona, how would you feel about it? And what sort of things might you want to see in there if it intrigues you?

Totally... hypothetically speaking. Definitely not enough of a fan of Okumura to do this. Totally not. (Definitely wasn't "the #1 bad dad stan" on twitter for months, no sir.)


https://imgur.com/a/WpZDUfw (all artists are properly credited; the concepts are all mine, but not all the linework!)

(To be serious for a moment, in all honesty, I'd love to know your thoughts on this concept, but please, do not feel pressured to take a look or respond! I just don't think Okumura gets enough love, and he deserves to survive and have a redemption arc, in my book—or at least, it's fun to write one for him. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor; this has been a project since December of 2017, and I'm still writing it as of now.)