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sadderdrunkermexican9 karma

I can answer that question, their value is based on the parameter "money allocated per POOR child, not money allocated per child." This is because title I government funding isn't meant to help all children, only poor children in districts that are underfunded. Living in Virginia I can personally assure you NOVA (fairfax and surrounding counties) has no issues with a large property tax basin. Only 8/100 children there are poor. While other districts in our state have a child poverty rate of 33/100. This isn't a jab at you I'm just trying to stop misinformation. As a Virginian this is a very serious problem that needs to be addressed.

sadderdrunkermexican7 karma

What got banned and why?

sadderdrunkermexican2 karma

Here I answered it above for them. If I need to clarify anything please let me know, Virginian childhood poverty is an issue I am passionate about.

sadderdrunkermexican1 karma

Assuming I've already heard the workers speaking mandarin white, if I try to practice my shitty mandarin when I order or between ordering and the food being ready, while the place is slow, am I being annoying, is it a nice break in monotony?