Highest Rated Comments

ryandmo33 karma

Good morning and thank you for taking the time to hold this AMA session. My question is in regards to the “domino” effect of states legalizing Marijuana. Obviously, should Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. become legal, or even two of the three, that will have a significant impact on further legalization but at what point do you believe the nation will reach a sort of critical mass and begin to put meaningful pressure on the Federal Government to reschedule Marijuana to schedule II or lower?

ryandmo9 karma

Another, separate, question gentlemen: Should Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. become legal states, do you think banking and tax laws and regulations will change and if so, how? Thank you.

ryandmo5 karma

Thank you for the answer. To follow up: Currently, are there any nation wide groups specifically geared towards keeping Marijuana as a Schedule I drug or is it mainly a patch work of small, state organizations? Further, if there are national organizations or even well run state organizations, which do you believe will grow to be the largest opposing factor to rescheduling?

ryandmo3 karma

Do you believe that’s because prominent politicians are concerned with the long term with effects of being anti Marijuana?

ryandmo2 karma

Thank you for the link, I'll be sure to read the post this evening.