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rvba8 karma
Those new changes to formulas that will make them "spill" in theory look good, but I am very afraid that they will break both the workflow and already designed files. Are you sure that you will not alienate "old" users and break their already existing workflow?
Is there any plan to finally remove of the 10k limit on autofilters + in pivot table selections? Tons of people use Excel as a database.
(if you look at filters) will you ever introduce "row" filters -> something that allows us to filter in rows (the same way as in colums)?
There is this little window that allows to change source of pivot table. If you go to that window and use arrows on keyboard to try to move "left - right", you get some random gibberish instead of your cursor moving left / right. You can only use mouse clicks + backspace/delete. How to reproduce: make a pivot table. Select pivot table -> change pivot source. In that window that pops up use arrow keys (on keyboard)
Pivot Table. I have 20 different Pivot Tables built on the same data source. Is there a way to add some of them to the Data Model? Only option I know is remaking from scratch.
Edit links window. Let's say that I have "report" open and 4 other files (data1, data2, data3...). Report has a collection of links to those other files. I go to the "Edit links" window -> use shift to mark a lot of them. Then I cannot use "check" to check the status of all files, I can only do it one by one.
In the ODBC query designer, how can you build a query that takes data from two different tables in two different databases?
rvba7 karma
What is the outlook for Business Intelligence products: now we have Excel Power query, PoverPivot (in Excel, requires license?) and PowerBI (stand alone app). All those 3 tools do the same, but in a different way. Maybe you do this to have licensing money, but from user perspective this is super confusing, since 3 different products seem to do the same? Do you consider killing PowerPivot, or integrating it straight into Excel?
rvba6 karma
- (if you look at filters) will you ever introduce "row" filters -> something that allows us to filter in rows (the same way as in colums)?
rvba6 karma
Why u cannot implement a settings in the menu? So you leave old functionality unchanged and power users (or those in need) adjust it?
rvba41 karma
1) How to draw vertical lines in charts?
Tons of consultants basically make a chart and then add a vertical line in the chart (say 36 months -> 3 lines to diide years) by DRAWING it on the chart, what is a problem when months shift.
2) How to actually make the Y and X axis thicker? Not all of them, just the X and Y?
3) In the waterfall chart, when you make it, the "Sum" and "Up" and "Down" autofields are made in default system language. So for example if your Excel is in German, those fields are in German. If your Excel is in Spanish, they are in Spanish.
Does Microsoft know that there are international companies, and a person in say China needs to share their chart to someone in USA, or Europe? So they have to draw textfields over the default textfields provided by waterfall chart. Because the audience will not know that "和" is "sum".
I actually dont know how it looks in Chinese Excel, but in my Excel the comments are made in local language, so I need to manually draw textfields over the charts, which is terrible. Because I cannot change the default to English.
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