Highest Rated Comments

rumbrave55365 karma

Colin: Are you a hockey fan? Any thoughts on why a Canadian team will not win a cup for another year?

Amber: At the Archer live read in Dallas, you aggressively reenacted Pam humping a burrito. Care to comment?

rumbrave5568 karma

One of the hosts on Last Podcast on the Left recently made a comment that clarified this for me:

If you saw a hotdog, you might say that looks like a sandwich. but if you saw a sandwich, you would never say that looks like a hotdog.

rumbrave5527 karma

We all cheered, so I wouldn't throw it in the embarrassing life moments folder.

rumbrave5518 karma

Who is your team?

rumbrave5515 karma

Is this a principled stand or do believe that someone would lie about being a amateur female hockey ref?