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roundtheworldrachel1429 karma

Honestly, Niki Lauder. He was delightful and his family were lovely.

roundtheworldrachel1007 karma

Yachts are too expensive to maintain. Even if that happened, I can't afford to pay for even the coffee in the crew mess for a week. We'd all be homeless and unemployed. That's a terrible idea.

roundtheworldrachel919 karma

No I didn't actually! When I was in Europe for my 30th, I actually had a job as a train driver to go home to (Lol that's a whole other story!) and I had just been working as a travel agent. I heard about this yachting thing and thought "yeah fuck, that's gotta be better than going back to Melbourne's winter!" So I flew to Spain and done the courses. I didn't get work right away, it's really competitive. I was looking to just be a stewardess, I had no idea it was possible for someone untrained to work on the yachts as a chef. But as luck would have it, my first boat job was as the winter chef for Niki Lauder's yacht. At the end of the season, as I was about to leave, the captain asked me if I could stay a little bit longer and cook for Mr Lauder. I jumped at the chance even though I was probably utter shite back then. haha. But I gave it a crack and loved it.

roundtheworldrachel884 karma

Thanks :)

I had a South African crew member who insisted on grilled bananas which I thought was a bit weird. Plenty of crew and guests who say they are gluten free/vegan/whatever is trending and yet happily chow on a burger or something that goes against their initial requests. It's annoying when it's crew, but it's funny when the guests are doing it.

roundtheworldrachel668 karma

Personally no... I've always missed out on the good tips sadly. But I have had friends who have gotten a year's salary from a 3-week charter.