Highest Rated Comments

rosetinted4229 karma

Sam, are you aware of the theory that you have been possessed by Lestat? Is he forcing you to keep the hair?

rosetinted423 karma

Did you consider that you were wrecking the "vampire blood tears" when you were crying real tears? Did you think of the lore you were ruining, Sam? I'm just kidding. Love y'all!!! <3

rosetinted422 karma

Sam and Jacob, if you became vampires but could only have one gift/power, what would you pick? I'd pick the cloud gift myself.

rosetinted421 karma

Jacob, what's the most recent figure you've bought? What's your favorite one so far? Are you hoping for a Louis action figure?

rosetinted421 karma

Sam and Jacob: you've both mentioned really loving Where the Wild Things Are as kids. Is that something you've bonded over? Jacob, did you get Sam a WtWTA toy too?