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roninchick157 karma

Not even sure where to start with this...

Okay. During a fitness class, I had a new member get up after doing 5-10 crunches and examine her abs in the mirror. This happened no less than 6 times during the course of the workout.

Also: witnessed an instructor candidate cry during instructor testing. Only time I've witnessed it. It was very odd.

Lastly: not sure why, but instructors are cursed with saying "chuck the tin" (tuck the chin) about 40% of the time. Not sure what this is, but it in fact happened while I was teaching earlier today.

roninchick145 karma

Ironically, it was in training, not in a fight. I was boxing with a teammate who had about 25lbs on me. I bobbed and weaved and burst in, walking right in to a right cross. Good times!

roninchick142 karma

I started training in Karate when I was 6.

I could spend a while talking about this, but I would recommend Karate or Taekwondo from about 4-7 for the structure, then look into Jiujitsu or Krav Maga. Some Krav Maga schools teach a kids class with a curriculum designed specifically for kids.

roninchick100 karma

Great question. I think that recovery and maintenance is as much a part of the game as training and nutrition.

I have dealt with injuries and learned to listen to my body when it tells me I need rest.

I intend to continue training as much as possible, and teaching. Teaching is my biggest passion. Consulting too would be a good possibility.

roninchick90 karma

It has happened, especially when they thought they would just be able to kick my butt because I'm female, lol.

I've also had some talk crap purely because I'm a female.

Edited to add: Most of them were guys who were disrespectful not only to me. I've had a few sexist guys question me and challenge me when I teach, and complain that my warm ups are too hard.