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romanov_76_1105 karma

Any chance you will finally talk about your World of Warcraft love connection?

romanov_76_1103 karma

Remembering your Al Jazeera article (http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/10/5/the-curtain-closesonthepeoplesopera.html) on the NYCO, what do you feel is the state of America's orchestras/operas? From any perspective: financial/repertoire/or whatever.

Sort of related to that are the orchestra strikes (such as the Minnesota Orchestra) that come up every once and a while. What do you think about them (for example in that case of the Minnesota Orchestra where the conductor eventually leaves)? Who is "more in the right?" Management or musician?

romanov_76_1103 karma

I'm not very experienced with his music I will admit. Everyone loves the Afro-American Symphony of course, and I think Troubled Island is a great opera. I suppose I'm simple that way!

(I was kind of hoping you would end up giving me some listening recommendations to search out! :) )

romanov_76_1103 karma

Well, since you said it's OK... :)

1) Would you talk about what you remember personally about your grandfather or any memories about him. I would be interested in that perspective.

2) Of his vast catalogue, what are some of your favorite of his compositions, (and you don't have to limit yourself to the well known works).

romanov_76_1103 karma

What did you think about the NPR/Juan Williams situation a few years back? Were you there at the time?