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rocn134 karma

Michigan does not even have a Waffle House, period. Toledo is the closest Waffle House to the Detroit area.

It's fucking terrible. I love Waffle House.

rocn88 karma

TIL marilyn manson has an Amazon Prime account, and his addiction has drove him to paying $3.99 extra for 1 day deliveries. Tisk tisk you beautiful son of a bitch.

rocn7 karma

Were there really women falling at your feet around every corner? Was it tough to resist temptation?

Was promoting women in the office really frowned upon and unlikely?

Were African-American employees bad for an agencies image?

rocn2 karma

Ha, I was actually referring to Mad Men, the series. What you said really holds true to the character played by Elizabeth Moss (Peggy). She is a sharp woman, but has a hard time moving from being a copywriter to handling accounts. The guys do not trust a woman with their accounts.

Thanks! Great answer!

And as for the African-american portion of my question, Mad Men seems to have portrayed this wrong. They made it more controversial for the story.

Thanks again.

rocn1 karma

Yeah. I noticed this as well, but was still satisfied by the insight.