Highest Rated Comments

robot_writer2 karma

Do the data include references to known stars? So, for example, if I'm looking for Kepler-443, would I be able to easily find the GAIA data for that star?

robot_writer1 karma

Will Gaia be able to collect information about exoplanet atmospheres and thereby detect signs of possible life (high oxygen concentrations, for example)?

robot_writer1 karma

I looked at the Gaia data available so far, and it seems to be in a series of files. Is there a single file containing all the star locations, or a way to query the data remotely without downloading all of it? Also, what non-location star data is collected about each star?

robot_writer1 karma

Thanks! Add-on question: are there any plans for the capability to make 3-D star maps/visualizations (not sky visualizations, but 3-D star maps centered around coordinates other than Earth) using Gaia data? That's one thing I haven't been able to find anywhere.

robot_writer1 karma

If one long-time (24 years) spouse no longer initiates sex (but goes along when initiated by other spouse), but states that they still want sex and are still attracted to other spouse, what does that really mean, and how should the other spouse approach this situation? Context: spouse not initiating sex is in mid-40s, in case that makes a difference.