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rob-cs5020 karma

Vim 10000%

rob-cs5020 karma

Possibly in the next couple of years! This year's offering will not be, though. There're a lot of details that need to be worked out.

rob-cs509 karma

1) I've already started on my PhD track here at Harvard now that I graduated! So I'll probably be preoccupied with that for a bit.

2) Hmmm... this probably isn't great advice for you since you already have intentions with CS, but maybe for some other incoming freshmen: don't extrapolate from your high school experiences with computer science what CS will be like in college. Sure yeah, there will be CS courses that are harder or more theoretical in college. But for me, CS in high school (I took AP CS A as a senior) was wildly unstructured, and it turned me off from CS for a while, such that I didn't think that I'd be majoring in it until shortly before it was time to declare majors at the end of my sophomore fall.

rob-cs509 karma

It's a cliche answer, but you really have to just keep practicing. Some might recommend working through things like Project Euler and TopCoder, so you could do those, though I never really did any of that. Most of my practice came straight from CS courses, so you could also try to look for more of those. And definitely actually DO the psets and projects to completion, even if you're not getting graded. Don't just tell yourself "oh I know how to figure out the rest from here", or look at an available solution and tell yourself "oh I definitely could have figured this out".

People ask me how I can look at their code and so quickly see their bugs, but after working with it for so long it's almost just like reading English and trying to spot logical (or grammatical) mistakes. And if you ever get the opportunity, teaching to someone helps you solidify the material 10x better than just teaching it to yourself!!

rob-cs509 karma

How to Train Your Dragon is probably the movie I've seen the most times. When I'm asked the question in a more formal setting and don't want to embarrass myself with that answer, I say Forrest Gump.