Highest Rated Comments

rmorabia18 karma

Definitely agree with this. OP's system may be a nice fallacy for the rich, but the education system is driven by money. Either you're incredibly unique and driven, or you're rich. The richest kids go to the richest schools, the poorest kids go to the poorest schools, or don't go to school at all. Sure, some break out of the system, but it's rare.

rmorabia8 karma

Try TOS;DR. They're expanding rapidly, and although you may have to read some terms still, the major ones are covered here, or will be covered soon.

rmorabia7 karma


The download link next to Swarmwise goes directly to a PDF.

rmorabia5 karma

PRISM Break offers a whole slew of solutions to every Internet security-related problem there is.

rmorabia3 karma

Would the changes affect past violations, too, or would it only be violations made after passing?