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righteoussurfboards12 karma

Currently, Terra.do doesn’t have a very robust job board as compared with other online job boards. I was excited about it, but on looking at the postings there, I was disappointed with the volume and variety of jobs being advertised as compared with say, climatebase or climatedraft.

How do you guys intend to promote climate jobs and get the market (and your listings) more robust?

righteoussurfboards5 karma

Where do you expect the climate job market to fall in the scale of payrange for people who want to work in the climate sector(s)? So far my experience has been that climate-oriented jobs have lower salaries than the 50% mark for my friend (software), but my field of vision is more limited than yours. What has your experience been as far as the attractiveness (pay-scale wise) of climate jobs? How can we improve the prospects for potential talent?

righteoussurfboards2 karma

From what you describe it sounds as though your mother had a hip disarticulation (HD) or hemipelvectomy (HP) amputation. (Unless she had a hemicorporectomy, which is incredibly rare). HD/HPs are very rare, and most prosthetists don't have the experience with these types of amputations to create a comfortable, biomechanically efficient prosthesis. However, there are certain prosthetists throughout the country/world who have experience with this and may be considered 'experts,' but your average joe prosthetist most likely is not. I was lucky enough to study with one such expert. Depending on where you live / your ability to travel, you may have access to such a person. I would have your mom speak with her doctor or local prosthetist about getting a new prosthesis. When searching for a prosthetist, make sure you grill them about how much experience they've had with the HD/HP levels. Prosthetics is a field full of snakeoil salesmen!

As for research, due to the rarity of these levels, there are very few research studies on the subject. If I am barking up the wrong tree with the HD/HP assumption, never mind, move along. If not, feel free to message me if you have questions.