Highest Rated Comments

ribbonsofeuphoria85 karma

It's on par with The Little Mermaid. Just kidding. It has its funny moments but overall its dark as hell. Even so, its still a better love story than Twilight.

ribbonsofeuphoria39 karma

There's so many to choose from that I don't know where to begin.

We met a sex worker who was 38 going on 70 and blind as a result of third stage syphilis. Her name was Sunshine and she was sweet as peaches.

We interviewed a truck driver after he slept with a sex worker who I was fairly confident had HIV. He said that he paid $5 extra not to use a condom. He said that he has a wife and kids back home. He said that she didn't even take her pants off--just one pant leg. His voice was calm and even throughout. We were in the desert at night. It was cold and windy. A blue backlight illuminated his contour.

ribbonsofeuphoria23 karma

I hope the dog is helping. It's not easy being a female truck driver.

ribbonsofeuphoria20 karma

A lot of stories wound up on the cutting room floor because they were simply too degrading. For example, one sex worker told us that she got pregnant after sleeping with half a dozen truckers so she didn't know who the father was. Nine months later she gave birth while using the truck stop bathroom. Another sex worker (who looked no older than 25) told us that her favorite client pays her to defecate on a plate and, here's the catch, she has to watch as he eats it. I would not be sharing these stories if Reddit didn't eat this kind of thing for breakfast.

ribbonsofeuphoria17 karma

I spent a lot of time with a recovering sex worker and her 10 year old daughter. My fondest memory from making the film was probably just hanging out with them, drinking tea, and watching movies. Mayhem is fun from afar. Once you're in the mix, you learn to enjoy the humble pleasures in life that we so often taken for granted.