Highest Rated Comments

retail_astronaut63 karma

Why the name? Pirates usually make people think of thugs, thieves, killers, Johnny Depp, and eyeliner. Not freedom and democracy.

retail_astronaut29 karma

For proof you can take a picture of your medical docs. You don't have to show all of it, just the part where it shows your name, age, and diagnosis. If you understandably don't want it public, just show it to the mods.

I mean no offense requesting proof. It's just really, really rare for an 11 year old to be diagnosed with it. It's not unheard of, but rare.

retail_astronaut8 karma

I'm a fan of yours. I felt your transamerican show was amazing because it was much more than a dating show. It was about gender, sexuality, and more. I feel more people (even fellow Lesbians like mah self) need to be more informed about transexual issues.