Highest Rated Comments

reptarthechameleon25 karma

What was the most unexpected part of your trip to space? Do you believe there is extraterrestrial life out there somewhere?

reptarthechameleon24 karma

I'm coming to the show at the town ballroom on June 12th (2 days before my birthday, what a great gift). Can't wait, you guys are incredible live. Would you guys wanna hang out after the show? We'll find you guys some great pizza.

reptarthechameleon3 karma

nice, see you then

reptarthechameleon2 karma

Oh hey! I love you guys and randomly just stumbled upon this while browsing the AMAs. Anyway, about 4 years ago you did an AMA on here and I asked if we could meet up for pizza after your show in Buffalo (which fell on John's bday.) You said yes. We did not get pizza, though I did get to hang with Zach a little bit out front. Nice guy! My questions are: what happened to the pizza? Will you ever come back to Buffalo? If so, will you eat pizza (with or without me?)