Highest Rated Comments

rendeld153 karma

What's the most common thing that people don't believe you when you tell them?

rendeld36 karma

Mortgages are different because you are dealing with secured debt. Thry are usually going to get at least 60% of the money you owe by foreclosing and selling so there is not always incentive enough to restructure a mortgage if they dont believe it would be repaid anyways after the restructuring.

rendeld22 karma

Merrells are godly. If anyone knows of a better pair of hiking shoes/boots I'm all ears but I absolutely love them. The support they offer is top-notch

rendeld8 karma

Delta and American are very good domestic airlines and I can't really complain about their service. They are so far ahead of the budget airlines that it usually justifies the price. I don't understand why you are not having enjoyable experiences, what would you like them to do differently?

rendeld8 karma

I personally really like reading Roberts' opinions because they are so challenging for me. I generally disagree with his scope of how the constitution should be read, but when you read his writings he just gives you so much to think about. It gives you a perspective that is hard to deny for anyone that is reading the arguments with an open mind. This really makes me just love/hate him at times. Also, Thomas' writings are usually entertaining, because he just doesn't give a fuck what people think about him and will write whatever he wants. As a shout out to liberal justices, I really like Ginsberg's passion.