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redmustang0430 karma

I hoped you DVR"D the show. It would be awesome to put that on youtube for us to to see what your Dad's bids were and how he won on the Showcase Showdown.

redmustang0420 karma

So when did you know that coach Brown was going to step down? Did you have a feeling it was going to happen eventually.

redmustang0411 karma

Second question, how frustrating is to see kids get diseases like mumps or rubella because they do not vaccinate their kids because of the supposed autism scare?

redmustang049 karma

Don't forget the Family Guy episode. I was smiling so much after that scene. Roadhouse.


redmustang044 karma

I got a question when you get back from work? How do you deal with parents who refuse treatment on a child that could save them, but refuse to do it? Example: Child comes in with bacterial meningitis and the parents who are Christian Scientists refuse antibiotics to kill the bacteria?