Highest Rated Comments

redditusername152 karma

That's amazing! So you could go to DC and some day we could possibly vote for Maj Caroline Jensen, TB3 for congress? They do have reservists flying the F-35 so that could be a great fit! Good luck in what ever your future endevors are, it sounds like you have some exciting opportunities!

redditusername152 karma

Maj Jenson, thank you so much for your service! I think the AF and the Thunderbirds are awesome! My question is, since you are a reservist, what are your plans after your Thunderbird rotation is up? Will you go back to the same reserve unit? If so, do you have to requalify in that plane? Thanks again!

redditusername152 karma

I hope you don't mind if I ask another question. I know that after air shows, you all talk to the crowd and are an inspiration to people who may want to join the air force or become pilots some day, just as you were inspired at a young age. Who have you met during this process that has really inspired you?

redditusername150 karma

That is hilarious! Go Air Force!